Unfinished Proj

My last post looked back on some of my unfinished projects. At the time of its writing, I was in a retrospective mood, and not just because it was the end of the year.

After five years with the same company, I left my position at the end of the year. Three weeks into the new year, it’s too early to say how things will work out, but I know it was the right move. Still, I look back to see a lot of unfinished business: proofs-of-concept, prototypes for products that never materialized, pet projects perpetually on the back-burner, and so forth.

Sadly, I won’t get to see them finished.

I enjoyed working both in the THINC realm and in the growing MTConnect realm. Most of my posts in this blog were about one or the other. Since my new job is in a different field, unfortunately it seems unlikely that I’ll be able to continue working with either.

To the folks who visited this blog either for THINC or for MTConnect, thank you for visiting. I’m always open to answering questions or providing quick code examples for either technology. (My ability to answer questions about THINC may be limited, as all of my documentation and libraries now reside with my former company.)

As for this blog, time will tell what direction it moves from here.

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